
News Center

  • If you have a pet, the following situations may be common for you:

    1. Allergic to pets and desperately seeking relief from pet dander.

    2. Have problems with pet odors and smells.

    3. Pet hair shedding all over your floors and furniture.
  • What are the different roles of activated carbon and HEPA in an air purifierAt present, the mainstream technology of air purifier on the market is the physical filtration technology based on activated carbon and HEPA.So what are the roles of activated carbon and HEPA in an air purifier?
  • Air purifier filter is to use the passive filter type adsorption technology at the heart of the air purifier filter layer, the type of air purifier used by the filter consists of filter and filter, air filter in the form of the mesh filter layer, and the filter from the filter are composed of activated carbon molding technology of honeycomb activated carbon, activated carbon is rather than block structure is interlining particles, therefore is called filter.
  • Air purifiers are a great way to keep the air in your home as clean as possible. They are also the dirtiest parts of your home.Why? Because anything in the air that isn't clean in your home will be picked up by the filters in your air purifier.So a filter is actually a very dirty and germy place.
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