
The HEPA Vacuum Cleaner

Publish Time: 2020-03-06     Origin: Site

What is a HEPA vacuum cleaner?

High efficiency particulate air (HEPA) vacuum cleaners differ from traditional vacuum cleaners in that they contain high efficiency filters capable of capturing very small micron-scale particles.A true hepa filter can capture 99.97% of particles larger than 0.3 micron in the air.To show how small it is, human red blood cells are usually between six and eight microns.


Why use a HEPA vacuum cleaner to clean lead dust?

Lead dust particles in the air are about two or three microns in size.While any household vacuum can pick up dust, the average household vacuum can pick up dust particles smaller than 50 microns, meaning that the most numerous, smallest and most diffuse particles are blown back into the air. 


If I use a HEPA vacuum cleaner to clean, does that mean there will be no lead dust?

The HEPA vacuum cleaner will collect loose dust from the surface, however adhesive lead dust residue may remain on the surface.The surface should be wet wiped or cleaned.


What should be considered when purchasing a HEPA vacuum cleaner?

1. Think about what type of cleaning you want to vacuum.In general, a good can vacuum will do most household cleaning, and after the renovation work may require a more industrial vacuum.If you want to clean your carpet, consider adding a power head to your vacuum cleaner. 

2. The structure of vertical vacuum cleaner is poor, the exhaust gas leakage is more, and it is more difficult to use to clean the surface of vertical vacuum cleaner.

3. Look for a vacuum cleaner with a pre-filter level before the main HEPA filter.A pre-filter in a vacuum cleaner will help prevent dust from directly hitting and blocking the HEPA filter, which is often costly to replace.

4. Check the washers in the vacuum chamber to prevent air leakage bypassing the filter.While many manufacturers talk about how good their hepa filters are, vacuum cleaners that let air escape before it reaches the filter are not very effective.

5. After the motor, use the high efficiency filter to find the vacuum.If the motor passes through a filter, it releases carbon particles from the brush.

6. Look for a vacuum cleaner with a built-in cover or a pull ring that pulls through the vacuum's opening to minimize

Dust is released when changing bags.

Avoid "bagless" vacuums or vacuums that collect dust in cups or containers.These tend to be less airtight and often release a lot of dust when emptied.

8. Don't get the HEPA filter wet.Therefore, it should not be used for pumping water or hygroscopic debris.

9. Make sure the vacuum bar has suction control or vent to control the suction strength.This is very useful.

Avoid vacuum and "water filtration" as they are not substitutes for hepa filters.

11. When using a high-quality HEPA vacuum cleaner, you should not see or smell dust, although most odors are not stopped by the HEPA filter.


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